~when you see pictures of penguins, you say "pennies"
~you found our old baby einstein videos and you call them "baby fine-fine"
~we were looking at some pictures of our cousin's sweet new girlfriend...when we got to one looking at her from behind while she was looking out at the ocean (in a bathing suit) you said "HINEY!" and got really excited=)
~we finally gave in and bought you your own little potty. you sit on it and grunt and push and it's hilarious. you tee-tee in it once or twice a day and are very proud of yourself! we are proud of you too!
~pillow is "pedal" and yellow is "yadow"
~you know the game "pee-pie" kinda like peek-a-boo? when we play it and you say "POO-PIE!" ~you call diapers "boppers" and i can't get enough of it. you always tell me who's on your diaper-it used to be elmo and you got upset when we started buying mickey mouse diapers instead...but you're on board now and tell me "MEE-MOUSE!" when i tell you it's time to change your diaper=)
there's the update for now=) you were a sweet sweet girl at your party-my grandmother kept saying she didn't know another 2 year old who was so patient opening presents one by one and not playing with them until the end. i think she's biased, but i am too, so i'll take it=)
i love you my sweet 2 year old girl=) enjoy your pictures!