the trip to oklahoma was great! we had gorgeous weather and it was a beautiful wedding and so wonderful to spend time with such sweet friends. what an honor to share such a special day with stacey and ronna. they are precious people who are shamelessly devoted to following Jesus and honoring Him with their lives. on somewhat of a side note, here is their favorite charity...
you did really well on the plane. you slept for most of the long flights, and i thought that was very sweet of you to wait until then to take your big naps=) there were a few times it seemed like your ears were hurting (or maybe there was some other reason you were fussy) but of course you won't suck on anything so we didn't know how to help you. daddy would try to let you chew on his hand (you do that sometimes) but it didn't really work. thankfully, nobody on the plane was noticeably irritated and it all went by very fast! you were very well behaved during the wedding and you seemed to like the whole ordeal. you and daddy stood in front of a big wooden cross during the ceremony and halfway through you turned around and started wanting to grab at it and eventually you started talking a little too he passed you off to me. they were super laid back and couldn't care less if the kids needed to go sit down at any point during the wedding, so it all worked out well=)
you learned how to give us kisses while we were on the trip. i can't tell you how happy this makes me=) after a few times of me saying "can i have a kiss" and making kissy noises you will look at me and lean in with your mouth open wide and tongue poked out a little and lay one on me. i love it so much. and the other newest thing you've done is master your m and b sounds. at first your cry would just basically be you yelling "mmmmba mmmmba" and now when you're playing you'll just say "mmmmba" when you're talking to yourself. it's pretty cute.
here are some pictures from the trip. it really was great. i'm so thankful for the friendships we have with daddy's friends from college-spending time with them reminds me that he is pretty great too. does that make sense? that for him to have such incredible friends, he must be pretty high caliber as well. i obviously can't say enough how much i adore stacey and ronna-and we loved spending time with bryan and alicia too. talking with all of them was really encouraging and we felt very loved just by being with them. and they were so excited to hang out with you=) stacey and ronna are obviously big "kid" people (you'd have to be to have 6 kids in your wedding...) and i really hope in the pictures you can see how bryan's face lit up when he was with you. or watching you. or talking about you. he needs to be a dad soon for sure;) and with alicia as their mama, those children will no doubt be incredibly beautiful! ok. on with the pictures.
a little unsure about the plane ride at first...
starting to come around
i think they might be the best looking couple i've ever seen.
isn't she the cutest?
the only family photo we took that weekend...
and this one. which we think is hilarious because your crying face is super funny.
daddy had been slobbering all over your hair which was disgusting. but then we gave you a mohawk and you were cute as ever. minus the stinky hair.
i'm thinking it's not going to be too long before she starts saying Mama! that'll be the best feeling ever! love her yellow tu-tu and pink sneakers and i'm SO glad you had a pleasant plane experience. but what crazy passenger would get annoyed w/that cute girl?? she's just adorable and her expressions are the best! and she's getting so much more hair! -bailey needs to know her secret....haha!
So glad you had a great trip! :)
Hey Katie!
I don't know who was prettier, the bride, or Miss Catherine! Looks like a wonderful celebration full of friends and fellowship. We all need weekends like that to recharge our batteries! Hope you all are doing well!
These are so fun! I usually think Catherine looks just like Donnie but the one of all three of you where she is crying -- I think she looks like the Peglet for some reason! I'm so glad y'all had a fun trip! Love ya!
I can't read any of your posts without tearing up. Partially, because I'm not sleeping well these days, so I'm really tired, but also because I'm so overwhelmed with how awesome your girl is!
P.S. - I say things like "flirty mcflirterton" all the time, because of the Friends episode where Ross has nicknames for his students ("Smelly Von Brown Shirt", "Cutie McPretty"...) Love it!
Hi Katie!
I've been a reader of your blog for a while now, and while looking at other blogs today I thought of you.
Here is a link to a blog I read and something she did that would be great for you to do.
You may have already seen something like this, but I couldn't NOT share it with you!
Melissa :D
how neat. she's become good at flying and traveling. love the wedding pics and the tu-tu (how ever you spell that) She's so beautiful!!!!
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